Adult Study

“Do not say, ‘I will learn when I have leisure’; you may never have it.” – Pirke Avot 2:5

Temple Beth Sholom offers a wide array of engaging and exciting adult education. There’s always something to learn about at TBS!

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Adult Education Offerings 2024-2025

Our Sources

Torah Study on Shabbat Morning

Start Saturday morning with Torah study. Each Shabbat morning before our Shabbat Morning Service (which starts at 10:30 am), we study Parashat HaShavua, the weekly Torah portion. The Rabbis lead a discussion of ancient commentaries and teachings and reveal the Torah’s modern and relevant lessons. No registration necessary. To be added to the mailing list and receive the weekly study materials for this class contact: Noemi,

Every Saturday morning, 9:30–10:30 am

In-Person and Zoom | for the Zoom Link

Sex, Love, and Romance

How important is sexual pleasure in our lives? How does modesty play a role in the life of a Reform Jew? How does Judaism define love? Come explore these ideas and more with Rabbi Jacobs as we examine sex, love, and romance.

Mondays, 5:00-6:00 pm, January 27; February 10, 24;
March 10, 17, 31

In Person | Registration: Noemi,

King David: The Man, The Myth, The Mystery

This six-session class, led by Rabbi Glickstein, will look at the Biblical stories about the figure of David.  We will focus on the books of Samuel in the Tanach and the midrashim written during the rabbinic period that shaped the way we now see the red-headed boy who became the King of Israel and the founder of the Jewish city of Jerusalem. We will also hear and discuss some of the songs written by Rabbi Glickstein, Martha Rosenblatt and Al Tapper for their Off-Broadway musical, “David: A New Musical,” which ran this past summer at the AMT Theater on 45th street in Manhattan, New York.

Saturday afternoons, following services (lunch will be available), ~12:15 pm, October 19; November 16; December 14; February 15; March 8; April 26

In-Person and Zoom | Registration: Noemi,

The Wandering Jew

Join Rabbi Loiben for an exciting journey through time as we explore the epic adventures of the wandering Jews! From the legendary tales of the Torah and Talmud to inspiring modern stories, together we will explore and uncover how these incredible journeys teach, transform, and uplift us.
Wednesdays, 5–6:00 pm, January 22, 29; February 5, 12, 19, 26 

In Person | Registration: Noemi,

Building Singing Communities: Unlocking the Power of Music in Jewish Prayer

Join Cantor Porat for an engaging and uplifting workshop series based on Joey Weisenberg’s transformative book, Building Singing Communities. Over the course of this series, we will explore the ways of building community and making music that enhances the community. The series is for people of all backgrounds and skill levels.

Monday evenings, 7-8:00 pm, March 3, 10, 17, 24

In-person and Zoom | Registration: Ariane,

Spice Up Your Seder

Whether you are a first-time seder host or a diehard Maxwell House user, you can always find a new way to bring modern topics, games, or deep discussion to the seder experience. During this session we will review some of the major components of the haggadah and put our brains together to create new modes for our guests to engage more deeply in the seder. Rabbi Jacobs will also share some of her favorite haggadot and timely one-pager haggadah supplements that can be added to any seder.

Tuesday evening, April 1, 6-7:30 pm

In Person | Registration: Noemi,

Tuesday Morning Buchers (Buchers, Definition, from French: to hit the books)

A small (limited to 16) group of congregants and Rabbi Davis meet weekly to study Jewish texts. Each member of the group takes a turn leading a session. Then the other members, who have also read and researched the portion, make comments. Finally, the Rabbi discusses some aspect of the Hebrew or answers questions that have been raised. No Hebrew is necessary. The Group is currently at capacity. Please contact Rabbi Davis,, to be put on the waiting list.

Zoom only | Tuesday Mornings, 8:15-9:15 am

Bioethics: What Do I Do?

Join with our former Rabbinic Intern, Rabbi Dr. Claudio J. Kogan, MD, MBE, MEd, who is now the Director of Bioethics Program at Baptist Health South Florida. Rabbi Kogan will lead a study and discussion of Bioethics from a medical, religious, and ethical perspective. He will be focusing primarily on the Bioethics of Organ Donation and End of Life.

Saturday, December 7, following services (lunch will be available), ~12:15 pm

In-person only | Registration: Noemi,

Let Me Give a Sermon

This is an open workshop for those who wish to create and write a Devar Torah (sermonette). The Rabbis and Sages have methods for teaching the wisdom that flows from our rich texts. A Devar Torah is often given at meetings, study sessions, and services. Participants will meet with Rabbi Davis and will create a Devar Torah for our regular Shabbat morning service.

Information: Rabbi Davis,

The Reform Jewish website is a wonderful resource for expanding your knowledge base, seeking wisdom, and learning about the issues and opportunities that we face as modern Jews. Major sections include Jewish Holidays, Jewish Life, Practice, Learning, Social Justice, and Israel.

Go to:  

Torah Commentary, Podcasts, Calendar, Translations

The Union for Reform Judaism has a selection of weekly podcasts and e-mails that you can subscribe to and study at your convenience. Selections include: This Week in Jewish Life, Reform Voices of Torah, The Jewish Dish, Jewish Holiday Guide, and Jewish Life in Your Family Life.

Go to:

Basic Judaism and Parenting

What do you say when kids ask….

Questions like “Why do bad things happen?” or “What if I’m not sure I believe in God?” or “Am I my brother/sister’s keeper?”  Join Rabbi Gayle Pomerantz in discussing the podcast Answers WithHeld with Rabbi Shai Held (available on Apple podcasts). We will sift through parenting’s stickiest questions with the understanding that there may be no answer better than listening and love. Grandparents and other seekers are also welcome.

Wednesdays, 9-10:00 am, October 23; November 20; January 8; February 5; March 19; May 7

In-Person only | Registration: Noemi,

Conversion: Choosing Judaism

A 16-week class for adults seeking to convert to Judaism or to renew their childhood education. Topics include Hebrew, holidays, rituals, prayer, philosophy, and theology. Taste the basics of Jewish life: spirituality, ethics, and community. This is a wonderful course for those new to the congregation, new to Jewish life, or interested in exploring the richness of our tradition.

Contact any of the Clergy for more information,

Parent Education at the Innovative School

Innovative School of Temple Beth Sholom provides ongoing education for Innovative School parents. These educational opportunities include workshops in parenting, education and early childhood development, as well as a book club where parents and the school’s leadership team read and discuss thoughtfully selected literature relevant for raising the next generation of change makers. School families can find information about upcoming learning opportunities in our weekly digital newsletter, the Golden Suns. For more information, please call the main school office at 305.532.4756.

Knowing Your Limits: How to Talk to Your Teens
About Boundaries & Consent

Join Barb Shimansky, RJE, in this interactive workshop for parents of teens as we discuss the concept of personal space, practicing the navigation of positive physical touch and setting boundaries around touch, and learning how to help our teens develop their own boundaries.

Monday, February 10 | 7:00-8:00 pm

In-Person and Zoom | Registration: Kimberly,

Antisemitism and Teen Wellbeing

Join Barb Shimansky, RJE, in this interactive workshop for parents of teens where we will be exploring our emotions around antisemitism, learning about how antisemitism might be showing up in our teens’ lives, and developing tools for using a social-emotional lens to have conversations about antisemitism with our teens.

Monday, March 10 | 7:00-8:00 pm

In-Person and Zoom | Registration: Kimberly,

The Journey to Adult B’nei Mitzvah

A new class will be forming in the Fall of 2024 for adults who never had a B. Mitzvah as a teen or forgot most of what was learned. The experience will include Hebrew and the prayer liturgy. The course of study will culminate with a group B. Mitzvah service. There is a $180 fee. An informational session will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 5:00 pm.

Contact Rabbi Davis, to have your name added to the list of participants.

Community Adult Education and The Melton
School of Adult Jewish Learning

Temple Beth Sholom partners with CAJE (The Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education) and The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning. Melton seeks to inspire, enlighten, and challenge adult learners from all segments of the Jewish community to study Judaism seriously. There is an extraordinary list of community classes being offered this year. A complete listing of opportunities is available at or 305.576.4030.

We Are Not Alone:
Reform Jewish Courses Online

The Union for Reform Judaism offers a variety of virtual classes. Topics include: Introduction to Judaism; Reading Hebrew Prayers; Learn to Read Hebrew for Adults; Pursuing Justice; Introduction to the Mikveh Ritual.

Information and Registration: 

Individual Study

Rabbi Davis is available to help you design your own study of Jewish text, philosophy, or theology.

Contact: Rabbi Davis,

Enjoyment and Learning

A Cantors’ Concert: Celebrating Jewish German Composers

Cantors Juval Porat, Tifani Coyot, Lisa Segal, and Joseph Flaxman, along with a talented quartet of singers and Alan Caves on piano and organ, will aim to honor the rich musical heritage of Jewish composers from Germany, both before and after World War II. As a centerpiece of the program, the cantors and musicians will perform works by esteemed composers such as Louis Lewandowski, Kurt Weill, and Arnold Schoenberg. These pieces will reflect the deep connection between Jewish liturgical music and the broader cultural landscape of Germany in the early 20th century, as well as provide context and insight into the lives and work of these important composers. Audience members will come away with a deeper appreciation for the significant contributions of Jewish German composers to the world of music.

Sunday, December 15, 4:00 pm

Tickets and registration to be announced

Panim el Panim: Face to Face

Looking to have thoughtful conversations, make meaningful connections? Join a Panim group. Groups are intimate settings where members can engage in meaningful conversations and make deeper connections. Members are organized by shared demographics or a special interest. The monthly meetings take place in person, in a member’s home, and are facilitated by a trained member. Find your Panim home today. 

Contact: Panim Coordinator, Jaleh Samway Bast,, 786.522.4510

Book Discussions   

Mark Baranek and guests will lead discussions on a variety of Jewish-themed books. Both fiction and non-fiction will be featured. 

  Israel Alone by Bernard-Henri Levy,
   Monday, October 28, 7:00 pm

  Goyhood by Reuven Fenton,
   Tuesday, November 19, 7:00 pm

  Three Ordinary Girls by Tim Brady,
   Monday, February 24, 7:00 pm.

  Marty Glickman by Jeffrey S. Gurock,
   Wednesday, March 26, 7:00 pm

  Lovers in Auschwitz: A True Story by
   Karen Blankfeld,
   Monday, May 19, 7:00 pm

Zoom only | Registration and the Zoom link: Mark Baranek, 

Miami Jewish Film Festival

The festival will celebrate its 28th season from January 9 – 23. Please join TBS and the community-at-large for this world-class offering of Jewish-themed films. Screenings will be held at various venues around Miami.

Contact: Mark Baranek at for more information

Great War Films: A Series in honor of 80 years since WWII Liberation

Temple Beth Sholom will offer three memorable films to mark 80 years since the liberation of the Camps in 1945. Join Mark Baranek for these Palm Plaza outdoor screenings (featuring popcorn, of course) followed by discussion.

  Liberation Heroes
   Tuesday, February 4, 7:00 pm

  The Long Way Home
   Tuesday, March 11, 7:00 pm

   Tuesday, April 8, 7:00 pm

In-person only | Registration: Mark Baranek,  

Prayer and Spirituality

Shabbat Evening Services

Our Shabbat evening service will embrace you and touch your soul. Fresh and familiar music will enable you to give voice to your own spirit. Special occasions in the lives of our congregants, Jewish teachings, sermons from our rabbis, and extraordinary music will enhance “Shabbat, our sanctuary in time.” 

Every Friday Evening, 6:00 pm

In-Person at TBS and

Shabbat Morning Services

Join us weekly to renew your spirit in our beautiful sanctuary or chapel. Our clergy and congregation members help to lead the prayers and read the Torah. Services are usually followed by a tasty communal Shabbat Kiddush Lunch.

Every Saturday Morning, 10:30 am

In-Person at TBS and

Kavanah Council

Kavanah Retreat with Joey Weisenberg

Joey is the Founder and Director of Hadar’s Rising Song Institute, and is the author of Building Singing Communities and The Torah of Music, winner of a 2017 National Jewish Book Award. A devoted student and teacher of traditional Jewish melodies, Joey’s Master Classes have enabled students worldwide to study Jewish song and prayer. Joey also composes new nigunim that have moved and inspired thousands. His eighth album of original music, L’eila, was released by Rising Song Records 
in 2022.

January 24 – 25

In-Person and Zoom | Registration: TBA

Miriam’s Dance

Join the Kavanah Council and Sisterhood for a special experiential in-person workshop to prepare for Pesach. Miriam Steinberg, a Kavanah Council member and therapist who holds a Ph.D. in Body Soul and Body Wisdom, will help us connect to the wisdom of our bodies through music, movement, writing, and sharing. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself and your community. Please wear comfortable clothing.

Spring 2025, Date TBA, 1-3:00 pm

In-Person | Registration: TBA.

The Mindful Month

Start each month with Cantor Juval Porat: Beginning the month of Elul, join Cantor Juval Porat on the first Wednesday of each Hebrew month for a brief musical meditation on the themes of the month.

Wednesdays, 10:30 am, October 16; November 6;
December 4; Spring dates TBA

Facebook Live,

Special In-Person and Hybrid Sessions

(In-Person and via Zoom)

  The Path to Empathy: Exploring the Foundations of Nonviolent Communication

Cantor Juval Porat teaches a transformative two-session workshop that delves into the art of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), a powerful approach to foster empathy, understanding, and connection in your personal and professional relationships.

Tuesday evenings, October 22, 29, 6:30-7:30 pm

In-Person and via Zoom 

  IRL (In Real Life) Meditation

Join the TBS weekly mindfulness group for a special hybrid session. You can join us either in-person or online on December 10, 2024. This meeting is appropriate for all levels – from beginners to experienced mindfulness practitioners. We want to offer everyone the chance to be IRL (in real life) so you can join us in the Board Room or online. If you attend in-person, please plan to stay the whole hour.

Tuesday evening, December 10, 6:30-7:30 pm

Special Tuesday Zoom Sessions

  Mindful Social Action

Join our special guest, Fran Zamore, mindfulness teacher and social justice activist, in learning how mindfulness can inform and improve your social justice goals and practice.

Tuesday evening, November 12, 6:30-7:30 pm

Zoom | Registration: link below

  Mindful Leadership

Scott Rogers and Paul Steven Singerman are back by popular demand for a special one hour Zoom panel discussion on how Mindful Leadership can improve your professional and personal life. Scott is a law professor and the Founder and Director of the Mindfulness in Law Program at the University of Miami and a leader in mindfulness and the law. Paul is an attorney at the law firm of Berger Singerman and specializes in resolving complex business matters. Scott and Paul have presented on mindfulness and the law to groups of lawyers and judges throughout the United States including The Florida Bar, The American Bar Association, and the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges. 

Spring 2025, Date TBA, 6:30 pm

Zoom | Registration: link below

  Weekly Meditation: Mindful Tuesdays via Zoom

Weekly Mindfulness Group: Would you like to be part of a community dedicated to improving our lives by increasing our self-awareness, calmness, and joy? Join the Kavanah Council’s weekly 30-minute Jewish mindfulness group, followed by an optional 15-minute silent sit and sharing. All levels of experience are welcome.

Every Tuesday, beginning October 15, 6:30 pm

Zoom | Registration: link below

Register in advance for any or all of these Tuesday sessions here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the meeting.


Israeli Poetry and October 7  

In this session Rabbi Glickstein will focus not only on poetry written since October 7, but we will also examine poems written by Israelis in previous years to analyze how their meaning has changed in light of the horrific massacre we witnessed and are continuing to process.  

Monday evening, October 21, 7:00 pm

Zoom only | Registration and the Zoom link: Noemi,     


It has been 50 years since POOGY (or Kaveret), an Israeli Rock Band, represented Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest. This iconic group featured a number of musicians who would later be hugely successful in their individual careers including Danny Sanderson and Gidi Gov. We will sample a number of their songs and discuss their endless success in Israel and abroad.

Tuesday evening, December 17, 7:00 pm.

Zoom only | Information and the Zoom link: Mark Baranek,

Israel on the Net  

There are many sites to learn about Israel on the Internet. We encourage you to surf and explore. Mark Baranek is available to you to help you discover the latest information and news about Israel. Please contact Mark for more information or additional resources, Here are just a few: 

Weekly Israeli Updates

Join Mark Baranek each week for a concise update on the current events in Israel. Politics, Culture, and Technology are just some of the areas that are covered. 

Mondays, 4:00 pm

Zoom only | Information and the Zoom link: Mark Baranek,

Israel 1974-75:  A 50 Year Retrospective 

Join us as we discuss the events that happened in Israel 50 years ago, including the consequences of the recently-ended 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Sinai disengagement, Golda Meir’s resignation and much more.

  Part 1: Tuesday, November 12, 7:00 pm

  Part 2: Monday, December 9, 7:00 pm

Zoom only | Information and the Zoom link: Mark Baranek,

Israeli TV: The Phenomenon, Part 3

The immense popularity of Israeli TV continues globally. Mark Baranek will analyze the success of Israeli television around the world. We will see video clips from three of Israel’s most successful series: Trust No One, Bros, and Mekimi; and look at some shows you still might not have heard of (yet).    

Tuesday, February 11, 7:00 pm.  

Zoom only | Information and the Zoom link: Mark Baranek,

Honoring our Ancestors and Ourselves

Honoring the Memory of Rabbi Leon Kronish

Rabbi Leon Kronish, the Founding Senior Rabbi of Temple Beth Sholom, was born on February 21, 1917. In honor of Rabbi Kronish on what would have been the year of his 108th birthday, Rabbi Gary Glickstein will conduct a discussion around the way that October 7 and its aftermath have changed the Jewish communities of Israel and of the United States.    

Tuesday, February 18, 7:00 pm

Zoom Only | Registration and the Zoom link: Noemi, or

Honoring the Memory of
Rabbi Harry Jolt

Rabbi Harry Jolt blessed us with his vast wisdom, delightful sense of humor, and keen insights for many years. On the day which would have been Rabbi Jolt’s 121st birthday, we will join together with Rabbi Davis in our annual remembrance of Rabbi Jolt.

Monday, February 3, 5:00 pm

Zoom Only | Registration and the Zoom link: Noemi, or

Death Over Dessert

Join us for an unusual way to spend Shabbat. Over coffee and cake, we will have an open and an honest discussion about death. Talking openly about end-of-life issues is probably the most important and costly conversation Americans are NOT having. In a safe and congenial setting, we will share our fears, concerns, and hopes over what will happen at the end of our lives. And, just as important, we will take the time to explore what we want our lives to look like before we get there. This is a chance to lean into our fears, rid ourselves of inhibitions, connect to others, and find a safe place to talk about issues you may not have been comfortable sharing with partners, families, and friends. The session will be led by Rabbi Ruth Mayer. Rabbi Mayer is a Temple Beth Sholom member, psychologist, and meditation teacher who has spent time working with people around issues of death and dying. To learn more, Questions: Rabbi Davis,

Saturday, February 22, following services (lunch will be available), ~12:15–2:15 pm

In Person | Registration: Noemi, 

Social Justice

Social Justice Network Justice Jams

We’d like to invite you to host Justice Jams this year! Justice Jams are small, intimate educational gatherings meant to foster dialogue and build community around specific issues of concern. Justice Jams are led by SJN co-chairs Rachel Unger and Andrea Wagner, along with special guests, in your home. This year our Jams will be focused on topics of reproductive justice in the fall and climate justice in the spring. Invite other congregants or friends and family to your home to learn about these issues and how we can take action. You provide the place, and we provide the content.

For more information or to host a Justice Jam: Rachel Unger, or Andrea Wagner,

Mitzvah Day and Soup Contest

Join us for Mitzvah Day, our largest day of social action, with over 30 projects both at Temple Beth Sholom and around our community. We have projects for all ages and interests. You can engage in a beach clean-up, prepare care packets for mothers of premature babies, make gifts for Holocaust survivors, distribute food to people experiencing food insecurity, help raise money for Israel, create thank you gifts for our first responders, distribute books to adults and children in need, and much, much more. If you have an idea for a project that you would like to captain, please let us know. After completing the Mitzvah Day projects, we return for our annual Soup Contest, where we raise money for worthy causes in our community. To get involved, contact co-chairs Ashley Weissman, and Caryn Pardo,, or Social Justice Program Director, Jeff Agron,

Sunday, February 23

Registration opens in late December.

PACT (People Acting for Community Together)

Temple Beth Sholom is part of PACT (People Acting for Community Together). PACT unites, organizes, and trains leaders from diverse congregations, schools, and community groups to build a powerful community voice. Individually and collectively, we empower ourselves, hold officials accountable, achieve systemic change, and promote fairness, justice, and democracy in Miami-Dade County. This past year we helped persuade our elected officials to take action to reduce rental rates and institute a civil citation program for unpaid fines and fees. These are issues that are important to our community and make a difference in the lives of residents.

For information: TBS PACT Chairperson, Jonathan Sepsenwol,; Rabbi Jacobs,; or Jeff Agron,

Food for Thought

Coffee Around Town

Join with your Rabbis, Cantor, and other Temple Beth Sholom Staff for coffee and conversation at various locations: South Beach, Sunset Harbor, Edgewater, Miami Shores, Bal Harbor, and Aventura. Check your e-mail, the website, and HaKOL for complete details.

Wednesdays, November 13; February 26, 8:30–9:30 am

In-person at a coffee shop near you. More information, Mark Baranek,  

A Multi-Access Cup of Coffee with Rabbi Davis

Rabbi Davis will meet you in the Ulam HaShalom (The Welcome Center) or on Zoom to share a cup of coffee with you. This is an informal opportunity to meet and share life’s journey together or for those wishing to seek pastoral guidance.

In-Person or Zoom: Rabbi Davis,


Thousands of years before Starbucks, Abraham performed Hachnasat Orchim, the Mitzvah of Welcoming, when he hurried to the entrance of his tent to greet his guests. Years later, shortly after Moses was welcomed into his father-in-law’s tent, Moses ascended a mountain and in a moment of great awakening heard the words, “The place on which you stand is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). And now at Temple Beth Sholom we have our own HOLY GROUNDS coffee shop and Judaica in the Welcome Center. We encourage you to participate in the Mitzvah of Welcoming. Enter into HOLY GROUNDS by yourself or with your friends and pause for coffee, latte, cappuccino, espresso, tea, water, and snacks; and add to or begin your collection of Judaica. HOLY GROUNDS is the headquarters for the best selection of tallitot for your B. Mitzvah ceremony or for prayer.

For a personal appointment at HOLY GROUNDS please call Sandy Cohen 305-343-3786