Strategic Vision

Taking the Journey Together

Throughout much of 2021, Temple Beth Sholom leaders and staff formulated an updated strategic plan to steer us through approximately the next two years. Due to the ever-changing Covid (and post-Covid) landscape, the plan was intentionally designed with a short to medium time horizon and is intended to be reviewed frequently.  We will begin another evaluation and strategic planning process in 2023.

Our plan is designed to reflect our mission (, and includes a roadmap of key goals and objectives centered around the following “pillars”:

  • Spirituality
  • Education
  • Membership & Engagement
  • Social Justice
  • Israel 
  • Finance & Fundraising

Below you will find a high-level summary of goals for each pillar.  Please reach out to any of us with questions or feedback, we want to hear it.  

Thank you to all of our Pillar Chairs and committee members for your hard work and dedication, and thank you to all of our board members and congregants – YOU are our future, and we look forward to working in partnership with each of you.  


Committee Chair: Marte Singerman

The primary goal of this pillar (which is called The Kavanah Council) is to enhance the opportunities for Jewish spiritual growth and engagement at Temple Beth Sholom. We are focused on...

  • Expanding the reach of the Kavanah Council to a more diverse audience in a multi-access fashion, especially by providing content to already existing temple groups for their programming.
  • Offering new & different types of programming that can be guest, lay or staff-led and incorporate embodied practices (physical practices, drum circles, poetry and spoken word events, environmental/nature-focused, etc.).


Committee Chair: Julie Basner

The primary goal of this committee is to improve the quality of our educational and youth offerings from the youngest of ages through high school graduation. We are focused on...

  • Developing and implementing strong marketing for our educational and youth programs.
  • Deepening a sense of belonging to our school and community.
  • Building robust youth programming, particularly as it pertains to post-BM students.
  • Evaluating the success and future strategic direction of the Innovative School of Temple Beth Sholom and jLAB.

Congregational Engagement

Membership & Engagement Chair: Vanessa Ressler

The primary goal of this committee is to strengthen our relationships with our congregational family, in order to both retain members, and grow. We are focused on…

  • Increasing intra-pillar collaboration and ensuring we are looking for ways to connect with each other and overlap.
  • Returning to TBS, in person, in a post-covid world.
  • Deeping an overall congregational sense of belonging.
  • Reducing transitional drop-offs (post bat-mitzvah, post high school, post kids leaving for college, etc.).

Social Justice

Committee Co-chairs: Andrea Wagner and Rachel Unger

The primary goal of this pillar is to create a robust social justice program that makes a difference through direct service, education and awareness, advocacy and action. We are focused on…

  • Identifying and integrating all age groups into Social Justice initiatives.
  • Building stronger community relationships (partnerships and coalitions).
  • Actively engaging with the Religious Action Center (RAC) to help support our goals.
  • ​​​​​​

Finance & Fundraising

Budget Committee Chair: Tamas Doffek

Philanthropy Committee Chair: Etan Mark

The primary goal of this pillar is to ensure the financial stability and future growth of our temple. We are focused on…

  • Increasing revenue through consistent annual fundraising.
  • Developing a plan for the Temple’s reserve account that addresses myriad capital improvement needs that are projected for the foreseeable future.
  • Increasing other revenue opportunities (naming opportunities, sponsorships, cemetery plots, siddurim, bricks, etc.).
  • Creating a 3-year staffing plan that is annually reviewed.
  • Setting an aspirational “max revenue” goal.


Committee Co-Chairs: Marjorie Baron & Jonathan Sepsenwol

The primary goal of this pillar is to create opportunities for our congregants to develop or discover a personal bond with Israel, wherever you are in your Jewish journey. We are focused on…

  • Re-establishing and expanding a robust Israel Committee.
  • Growing and enhancing travel opportunities to Israel, including virtual.
  • Infusing positive, a-political Israel branding throughout all of temple’s programming.
  • Broadening our offerings of Israel-centric programming (special speakers, dining, cultural opportunities, etc.).
  • Increasing our interactions between the temple and our sister congregation in Israel and the Israel Reform Movement.