Beth Sholom Temple Youth (BESHTY) is our high school youth group for those in grades 9-12. Monthly activities include ice skating/Havdalah, cake-decorating Shabbat, Mitzvah Day, NFTY kallot, and much more.
*Save the dates*
Confirmation begins September 9th (7pm*)
Fellowships (Israel Fellows and Justice League) begin September 4 (7pm*)
BESHTY Board Retreat September 7 (12-2pm)
BESHTY LEADS September 3 (7pm*)
9th Grade NYC Trip November 7-10
10th Grade L’Taken Washington DC Trip December 13-16
*dinner at 6:30
Lots more BESHTY events to come, get ready for a great year!
*Refresher of our Youth and Teen Programs*
Beth Sholom Youth Groups
BESHTY: 9-12th Grade
Jr. BESHTY: 6-8th Grade
Mini BESHTY: 3-5th Grade
Micro BESHTY: K-2nd Grade
Confirmation: 10th Grade
Fellowships: 11-12th Grade
LEADS: 9-12th Grade
Confirmation I – Mon. 6:30-8:00 pm includes dinner
Confirmation II – Mon. 6:30-8:00 pm includes dinner
Open to all high school students
4144 Chase Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33140 | 305-538-7231
Innovative School: 305-532-4756