Temple Beth Sholom Proudly Welcomes Cantor Becky Mann
Friday, March 7
Shabbat Services
Saturday, March 8
jLAB Tefilah
A composer, guitarist, and cantor, Becky Mann has been called “one of the brightest voices of a new generation of Jewish songwriters carrying our tradition forward in new and exciting ways.” She is passionate about creating community through music and meaningful worship, and inspiring communities through her heartfelt interpretations of prayer. Originally from Las Vegas, Becky graduated from Indiana University in 2017 with a degree in Jewish Sacred Music. In 2022, she received her Masters Of Sacred Music from the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion in New York, where she was ordained as a cantor in 2023.
Becky has served as the cantorial intern at Congregation Ner Tamid in Henderson, NV., Baltimore Hebrew Congregation in Baltimore, MD., and Congregation B’nai Jeshurun in Short Hills, NJ. In addition to her cantorial roles, she has worked in the Jewish community as a songleader, music specialist, preschool teacher, and youth choir director, instilling a love of Judaism in the next generation. Throughout her time in cantorial school, Becky served on the leadership team of the URJ 6 Points Creative Arts Academy.
Becky’s songs have been featured in worship services, workshops, and concerts at both ACC conventions and URJ conferences, and her music can be heard in congregations around the country. Her compositions have been published in Transcontinental Music Publication’s Ruach 5777: The Best of Contemporary Jewish Rock and Pop, Ilu Finu: A Cappella for Jewish Prayer, High Holy Days Anthology: Volume I, High Holy Days Anthology: Volume II, and The Complete Songbook for Children Volume III: Manginot, and The Complete Shireinu Vol. II (coming summer 2025).
Becky serves as the Assistant Cantor at Temple Israel of Westport, CT., in addition to visiting Jewish communities across the country as an Artist in Residence.