Alice Miller and Fran Levey

“When you are involved in a Temple like Temple Beth Sholom, you WANT to support it. You want to leave a legacy so that your experience can be duplicated over […]

Suzanne and Brad Meltzer

“Beth Sholom feels like a warm hug to me. You can feel God and your spirituality in the building.”  When asked the question we’ve asked so many of our generous […]

Brielle and Etan Mark

 “Temple Beth Sholom teaches us how to love being Jewish.” We came from different religious upbringings: Brielle grew up with Temple Beth Sholom (Rabbi Glickstein was the rabbi at her […]

London Family

“It’s the idea that the Temple will be here even when we are not.” For Susie and Ben London, proud parents of two young sons, Raif and Lane; making the […]

Karson Family

Elie Wiesel once said, “Life is not made of years, but of moments.” We are charged with making our moments mitzvahs. We are charged with making our moments count! I […]

Grossman Family

“We know we’re doing our part to plant the seeds so that a future family, like ours, can enjoy the fruit.” I grew up at Temple Beth Sholom, quite literally. […]

Groff Family

“So many of our life’s pivotal moments have been marked at this sacred place, with our sacred community.” Jon and I joined Temple Beth Sholom 30 years ago. Our son Aaron […]

Leslie and Jeff Graff

“We want to be viewed as people who cared about the Temple. It wasn’t passive caring, it was active. We participated, we talked, and we listened.” The importance of contributing […]

Linda and Fred Friedman

“Our legacy will help the Temple to remain a lifelong focus of activity for all ages, as it has been for us.” Temple Beth Sholom has been a part of […]

Ann Bussel

“Our family moves with the times…Judaism is an evolving way of life. Our values are set but are modified to reflect contemporary times.” Temple Beth Sholom has been a big […]