“Our legacy will help the Temple to remain a lifelong focus of activity for all ages, as it has been for us.”

Temple Beth Sholom has been a part of our lives since Linda and Fred joined when their son Marc entered nursery school almost forty five years ago, and Andy followed. Rabbi Kronish overwhelmed us with his commanding presence, particularly when he donned his white vestments for the High Holy Days. Linda served as a Board member, followed by a stint as co-chair of the School Board. During her term, Rabbi Kronish proposed that a change from Sunday School to Shabbat School was needed. With much discussion and deliberation, the change was effected and, of course, is continued today.
In the 1980s, Dr. Sol Lichter originated our Mazon program to feed the needy on South Beach on Sunday mornings. Fred participated from the beginning, but after several evictions, we were forced off the Beach. Sol continued the program, arranging to feed the residents of the Chapman Partnership for the Homeless in Miami one Monday a month. We rejoined after retiring and have led the program in recent years. It is a source of great pride to us to have had this opportunity.

We have had consecrations, bar mitzvahs, confirmations, as well as Israel trips for us and both of our boys, all organized in this holy space. We remain active as the passing years are invigorated by the many educational events and our weekly participation in Torah study and Minyan services. Our legacy will help the Temple to remain a lifelong focus of activity for all ages, as it has been for us.