Rabbi Davis has been immersed in the Jewish community his entire life including: attending Jewish summer camp; active involvement in youth group; and traveling and living in Israel. Before seeking rabbinic ordination, Rabbi Davis worked in retail management and was the Camp Director at the Maurice B. Shwayder Camp of Congregation Emanuel of Denver.
Inspired by his many years in Jewish camping and after earning his Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management and Camp Administration at Loretto Heights College in Denver, Colorado, Rabbi Davis began his rabbinic studies at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 1987. As a student, he served congregations in Sacramento, California; Merced, California; and Everett, Washington. In 1990, he earned his Master of Arts Degree in Hebrew Letters and received his rabbinic ordination in 1992. The title of his rabbinic thesis is “Addiction and the Torah.”
Following his ordination, Rabbi Davis returned to Denver to serve Congregation Emanuel as their Rabbi and Director of Camping and Youth programs. After completing his twenty-fifth summer at camp, Rabbi Davis decided to change the focus of his rabbinate and came to Temple Beth Sholom in January 1995. He is involved in all aspects of synagogue life and the Jewish community. Rabbi Davis deeply loves his Temple community. He has created and implemented a myriad of programs; multitasked as both Rabbi and Executive Director; and continues to help congregants in their personal growth and spiritual journeys. In 2008 Rabbi Davis completed his Doctoral Studies at the Florida Center for Theological Studies. His dissertation, “Beyond the Erroneous Assumption,” explores the nature of the soul from a Jewish perspective and the role of the rabbi in healing the soul.
Rabbi Davis has served as the Vice President of the Rocky Mountain Rabbinic Association, as President of the Rabbinical Association of Greater Miami, and is a founding board member of Kavod, an international tzedakah collective. Rabbi Davis’ eclectic interests include: jewelry design, architecture, carpentry, stonework, graphic arts, basketball, hiking, and yoga.