Temple Beth Sholom has been the spiritual home for my family for five generations and my decision to make a planned Legacy gift seemed only logical. My grandparents, Bernice and Alex Straus were founding members and my father was the second Bar Mitzvah and in the first Confirmation class. Rabbi Kronish married my parents, Edie and Arnie Straus 66 years ago. Carrying on into my generation, my brother, sister and I were Consecrants, B’nei Mitzvah and Confirmands. Rabbi Kronish officiated at my wedding to Dr. Richard Furlong (of blessed memory), 41 years ago. Our three children carried on the family tradition as the fourth generation with present-day clergy Rabbis Pomerantz, Davis and Glickstein when they too were Consecrants, B’nei Mitzvah and Confirmants. More recently, Cantor Segal officiated at my son Daniel’s marriage to Sarah, and with Rabbi Pomerantz, at a NICU bris on Zoom for my grandson Ryder, our fifth generation.
The clergy at TBS have been there for my family for all of these wonderful simchas and also during periods of sadness. I long ago lost count of the number of times I received a phone call from clergy during those difficult times, and how I always felt a deep sense of gratitude for the compassionate voice on the other end of the line.
As a member of the Board of Trustees I’ve seen firsthand the incredible work by the clergy, staff and volunteer leadership in building our vibrant congregation and one that is envied by other congregations nationwide. I have attended both the URJ Biennial and its Consultation of Conscience and am always proud to be a part of a synagogue that sends so many of its members to these national events and is then honored when our own clergy, (Rabbi Pomerantz and Cantor Segal), are active participants in the religious programs. At breakout sessions at both events “new” programming discussed is often programs that TBS has been instituting for years!
I know I share with this wonderful congregation the profound pride in TBS as a leader in the Jewish community. Our congregants of all ages participate in the many programs both here and in Israel; Camp Coleman, The March of the Living, NiFTY in Israel, Alexander Muss High School in Israel, JCS Milk and Honey, PACT, Mitzvah Day, Feeding the Homeless, Israel Bonds, just to name a few. It has always been a policy that every child who wishes to attend a program will attend, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. Not many synagogues have the resources to make these financial commitments possible. Our youth programs attract kids whose families are not yet members and provide them with a strong Jewish connection that they would not otherwise experience. These worthwhile endeavors are more reasons as to why I committed to make a planned gift to our temple and I encourage you to consider making one as well.
– Robin Straus Furlong