Please join us as we observe and commemorate Tisha b’Av, the destruction of the ancient Temples in Jerusalem, the subsequent persecution of Jewish communities, and other tragedies throughout our history.


Tisha b’Av Virtual Lobby Day on Climate Change

Tisha b’Av is on Tuesday, August 13. Temple Beth Sholom is proud to co-sponsor the Jewish Earth Alliance, Tisha b’Av Virtual Lobby Day on Tuesday, August 8, 2024. The fast day of Tisha b’Av commemorates the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. However, it is also a day to reflect on how tragedy can birth transformation. Today, the Earth itself is threatened by climate change. This Tisha b’Av, we can take action to accelerate the transformation already underway to a healthier, safer, and more just world. In this difficult time, we must keep speaking up for action on climate change. Our advocacy is working. Congress passed huge investments in climate solutions in 2022, and the Administration has followed up with EPA regulations that will dramatically lower greenhouse gas emissions in the future. Please help to lobby our representatives by Zoom on August 8, 2024. Register here.